Item #6962 Unknown Pleasures Bike Seat

Unknown Pleasures Bike Seat

Dorset: Stolen Brand, [2020]. Leather bike seat, with original label attached, as issued in plastic bag. 5 ½ x 9 ½ x 2 ¼ in. Near fine. Item #6962

Stolen Brand bike seat in homage to Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasures.

An incredibly well-built and comfortable bike seat featuring the Saville’s pulsar diagram on the cushion where the rider will sit on. The item can thus raise a few questions of the slightly conceptual variety. What, for instance, is the demonological desire to print this design on every kind of imaginable “cultural” (or as in this case not cultural) object? How has this image become so thoroughly divorced from its original context? Why? Why must we sit on it?

A striking bike-seat, both speculative and useful to riders.
